About Homeopathy

At the centre of our ability to recover from illness, even deeper and more powerful than our immune system, is our vitality.

"I've not been well since I had flu"

"The doctors say none of my tests show anything wrong, but I know I'm not well"

"I don't feel like my old self"
These are people talking about their loss of vitality. Vitality is the ability to respond to challenges in our lives, to recover fully from illness and to be creative in our relationships and in our work. Illness which can be diagnosed by tests or examination follows loss of vitality and is caused by it. Homeopathy works by initiating a process by which vitality is enhanced so that health and creativity return.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the idea of "like cures like"
That means that the way in which we become ill and all the symptoms we feel are matched by those that the remedy would cause if it were repeatedly given to a healthy person [eg. Allium cepa which is onion, for hayfever in some patients].

In tiny, but powerful doses that remedy can then work with our vitality to exactly stimulate those aspects which have been affected. Because the system is precise it is rare to experience side effects.

To book an appointment, please contact us on:
Telephone number: 0750 4101940.